Monday, April 21, 2008

Emery and mommy on her 2nd birthday!
We took the kids to build a bear for Emery's b-day, they all made best friends there.
The best thing about having a sister as a best friend is a friend for life.
I'm so BIG!!
I love melmo(Elmo)

Emery has turned 2, her B-day was Sunday the 20th. Emery came to us a huge shock. My Carmendi was just a little over 3 months old and I was very sick so when I went to the doctors you can image my shock when he said I was pregnant. I started to cry and on the way home I went and got 5 different tests. They all were positive. When I told my husband he said"we were on birth control" I know right. So for about 6 months I cried at least 3 times a day. I finally came around when I knew I could not change this. It is what it is. So after a blessing and 3 months and 2 weeks later she was here and it was love at first sight. She has always been in a hurry to do something. I think it is something inside her. I'm so blessed to be a mom of 3, even if it took me a while to get there. It has been a trail to have my girls so close, but they are finally playing together, babies, dress up, and love to bug poor Bristen. Being a mom has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. If I could do it over I would not change a thing. Well maybe a few.


Jill M said...

She is so you mixed with a hint of Derric. I love her fiesty attitude and know her and Betty will be the best of cousins.

Jenny said...

she is such a ham, i love it.

Jenn said...

Emery is so cute! I am glad she is apart of our family. I love her so!! (I do know how overwhelming it is- whenever you are feeling down, just remember that mine are 7months apart! then you will laugh!!
Love Ya

cathy said...

Happy Birthday Eme! What a sweet girl, wish we could has celebrated with you guys!

Dylan, Holly, and Aspen said...

Hey Janeen. How are you doing? I can't believe that you have 3 kids. They are all so cute. And they look so much like you. I'm loving blogspot because you can catch with so many people.