Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thirty, Flirty, & Thirving!!!

Font sizeSo Yeah after 3 months I finally do a new blog. While I turned 30 today, and I don't feel a day past 25. I remember thinking when I was young that 30 sounded so old. I also thought that by the time I was 30 that my life would be set. YEAH RIGHT, we have such I long way to go. Instead I would like to live in the now . Derric and I have a great life, 3 kids who keep growing up so fast, it sometimes scares me. Bristen is now 7, and Carmendi soon will be 4, and not far behind her is Emmie turning 3. We will be married for 9 years this summer and he still can make my heart flutter. I'm so glad to have my family in my life, to be blessed with great parents, and great brothers, and sisters. So I guess I can say I have had a pretty good 30 years so far on this earth. The good times , the very, very hard, and sad times that have helped me in strange ways. So I hope the next 30 I can look back and feel the same way. God has truly been apart of my life. So Happy Birthday to me!!

Wait, I want to tell you the funniest thing that happened to me. So my goal was to get to church on time and, we got there at 9:10 and as a was getting out I totally slipped on some black ice and slipped underneath the car next to us.
As Derric helped me up all I could think about was my new skirt. I thought I ripped it, but it was just a little dirty so we spent 20 minutes in the family bathroom . Derric helped me clean my new skirt and then we waited for it to dry. Where are those dryers when you need them. So needless to say we didn't get to sacrament on time. Bristen thought it was a little funny .

If you ask Emmie who her best friend is... she says Austin!


Porters said...

Yea!!!! Happy B-day! We need to do a girls night sometime soon!!!

cathy said...

Happy 30th Janeen!! So sorry I didn't call on your B-day! I promise I thought of you! Can't wait to see you all next week!

Sarah Larsen said...

Hey cutie...I was looking at all your pic's and getting Denver "homesick"....I have the best memories of your family and miss everyone everyday!!!! And looking at your blog made me think...hmmm! Maybe I have one more baby in me??? LOL I love you girlie!!!! Give your hubby a big hug from me...I miss his goofy sense of humor and funny jokes!!!