Monday, February 8, 2010

My Bristen has turned eight this past Saturday and was Baptized. I can't believe I have a eight year old. Life has been so crazy for us this past year. I love starting a new year no better way than your son being baptized. It was a great day, it was very nice out of the hustle and bustle of life to take some time for family. Bristen was very nervous but, in all did so well he was ready and understood what was happening. Life has been good to us we have been very blessed these last couple of months. I had emergency surgery about two months ago and things are fine now. I'm at home with kids, still doing hair.Derric works and is in school. Very busy . Time is flying by, I feel old and can't believe I have a eight year old, and my baby is soon turning four. I'm grateful every day that I'm a mom even, though some days I feel like I loose myself. Life is good and am looking forward to see what the year brings us.


Anonymous said...

So Cute! Bristen is such a cutie adn a great big brother! Love you guys!

Jeana said...

Congratulations on the Baptism. Wait till your oldest is turning 19and your youngest is 13.The years fly by fast, savor every moment.