Sunday, October 26, 2008

Grandma thought it would be a fun idea to have a Princess party for all her granddaughters. So she did, it was even a sleep over. The only ones who were missing are in Texas. Betty and little Ciena. The girls had a blast from eating pizza, dressing up, playing a princess game, coloring, and even watching Sleeping Beauty. So from my girls to grandma.... Thank you!! We are so blessed to have you in our lives.


Jenny said...

LOVE the pics, will you email me some? They are so cute! thanks for taking them.

Kimmy said...

Janeen! This is Kim Curtis here. :) I just got your blog addy from Lyndsay and wanted to say hi! What a super cute family you have. I can't believe how much time has gone by since the Dallas Roberts days.

Drop me a line when you have a minute.

Ps. Tell you brother Chad hi for me.

Lynds said...

Hey! Hope all is well. Is there any way to get your email address and address so I can send you out a card????? just send to

Lynds said...

Hey! I was beginning to wonder..... I know what you mean about money being tight! We just had to spend all of our savings to get an SUV because 3 kids in an accord just was not working....and now we are on to 4 more years as resident, so its not going to get any better :( Glad you got your computer up and running. We cant believe ours is still working and know it is just a matter of time before we are computer-less. Glad all is well and cant wait to see your new blog :) We dont leave for NY until June, so May would be a great time to meet up with you, if even for a minute. Keep me posted and talk to you soon....