Monday, July 21, 2008

Poor Carmendi

Okay so its been a while. Well I have done a few little blogs to catch you up but I had to tell you this sad story. A couple of weeks a ago Carmendi was running in my parents back yard and fell on the cement corner on my parents patio. She first got the biggest goose egg bump on her forehead. I wasn't there so when I got there she was out of control crying. It honestly made me sick to look at it. Of course, Derric was gone so I'm freaking out. I finally took her to the ER and they did a cat scan on her. They were worried about bleeding in the brain. So that was a great time. I'm holding her down so they could get the picture she was not holding still, so finally they said will you get on the table with her. So I did as I'm laying on her she says "I'm so scared mommy" tears were running down both of our faces. I held her hands and said just hold super still so they can take your picture and I will buy a new baby. She said "OK". So everything turned out fine she had a concussion and the more days went on she looked worse. She has two black eyes still and the bruising is now starting to fade. So that's my little scare I'm so grateful and blessed that everything turned out fine. Carmi, I love you so much. Here are some pictures of her face as its getting better. God bless you all my family and friends until next time.

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